Thursday, September 8, 2011

The Hunt for Qaddafi, Day 15

While a spokesman for the new Tripoli Military Council said Qaddafi is surrounded in the Sahara desert, a spokesmen for the Transitional National Council dismissed the report as a rumor and reiterated the unconfirmed accounts that the deposed dictator was in a convoy moving toward the Niger border.

Given that Anis Aharif, the TMC spokesmen, said that rebel forces were within 60 kilometers (37 miles) of Qaddfi's location, and are just "waiting for the right moment to move in," this claim has to be taken with a grain of salt the size of the Washington Monument.  I don't even want to do the math to calculate how many troops it would take to effectively "surround" at 1369 square mile region, but I'd be willing to bet the rebels don't have that many troops total, much less actively pursuing the fugitive tyrant.

Speaking of whom, Qaddafi himself released another audio tape via Syrian television berating his enemies as rats and stray dogs and insisting he was still in Libya to fight on, "but he offered them no clues about where they could find him."  Well, that's rather unsporting.  Even the villain below was generous enough to provide his arch-enemy with clues to his location and strategy (although, granted, it tended not to work out so well for him . . . )

Edward Nigma, a.k.a. "The Riddler," always forgets the first rule of evading manhunts: Providing clues to your location, no matter how elaborate, always backfire.

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