Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Bin Laden as Donald Trump?

At least, that was my initial thought when I saw this Daily Telegraph headline: Osama bin Laden a 'ranting chief executive'.  But the article actually raises more questions than it answers. 

Although the Obama Administration claims that not only was bin Laden the "strategic, symbolic heart and soul of" al-Qa'ida, "he was also very active in terms of operations and that is a very important understanding of what he was doing as well as what the rest of the leadership was focused on," the Telegraph's reporters conclude "it was unclear if anyone was listening to the missives he sent to senior commanders."

I tend to lean toward the latter view, although I don't think the truth will be apparent for some time as we see whether al-Qa'ida evolves or is crippled by bin Laden's killing, or until the day comes (if ever) when the intelligence captured in the Abbottabad raid is declassified and released publically.

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